Saturday, March 20, 2010

Do Genital Warts Have Hair

The blue color transmissions

The commission headed by Marshal Niel, who is responsible for studying a reform of the army after the disappointments of the campaign Mexico, ensured the creation of a wire service in the army, whose resources will be incurred during the disastrous campaign of 1870. The conclusion, somewhat hastily drawn is that this formula is inappropriate. Also be returned in 1895 to call the telegraph administration.

Some personnel of this administration is militarized in case of war, to form what was then called, the units of "The Blue" because of the color of the uniform (dark blue and light blue) worn by such personnel militarized.


In memory of those units that adopt the weapon transmissions " sky-blue "color to tradition.

After the victory of the Marne, the staff goes in search of a place more suitable for war "modern". Its choice was finally on a blue sheet, which remains to determine the grade. A dye made of indigo was finally elected to give the famous blue horizon. This cloth is actually a mixture of white wool (35%), dark blue wool (15%) and light blue wool (50%).
One color for each weapon:
Besides a new color for uniforms, a color is assigned to each weapon. This color is used for piping and other police caps, those panties and collar badges:
- the color of the uniform "blue horizon" for rail services in the field, treasury services and posts in the army and the military telegraph (from October 10, 1915).

Pressure Point Helps Periods

Dismantling the stele of sandstone 18th

In anticipation of the dissolution of 30 June 2010, March 8, 2010 the 18th sandstone stele RT is dismantled to join the Museum of transmissions at Cesson Sevigne (near Rennes).

Worlds Nickest Tech Deck

Flags of RT company and battalion commander

The definition in the dictionary is: a small flag used for various purposes; is short and simple, in fact it is a piece of cloth attached to a pole for practical use well defined, without that initially no symbolic meaning he has not been given.

For the first When we talk about it in the text of 1469 organizing the body of free archers, where it is prescribed for masters - general to bring before them a white flag. It is also mentioned in 1661 as a piece of serge attached to a pole and often decorated with the colors of the regiment or the chief, he serves as the delimitation of the camps, alignments, staking, to figurative conventional units are not present, etc. ... In short, a purely utilitarian, its colors and design have for identification purposes only.

is December 25, 1811 that released a detailed regulation. Flags are square 0.812 m on each side, without fringes or ties, or registrations, the colors will be white for the 2nd Battalion, red for the 3, blue for the 4th on the 5th green, yellow for 6; the 1st Battalion had no pennant since he had custody of the eagle. The flags were provided for the infantry. It is clear that the idea of Emperor flags can only be in utilitarian objects without symbolic significance, so that the enemy can not take them as trophies. But at that time, regiments were seldom brought together: the 5th Battalion was that of deposit, 4 and 6 regiments were often tentative. Thus, these formations were devoid of eagles and the tendency of battalion commanders was to give more importance to simple alignment flags.
With the Restoration, the flag disappears, no longer needed. In fact, flags are restored battalions, each with their distinctive colors. But in 1822, with the recovery of regiments, one returns to the special flag, hence the regulation of flags. The 1st Battalion has distinctive color corresponding to that of the uniform, blue, scarlet, yellow, crimson, orange, sky blue, brown following the series, the 2nd Battalion was white and the 3rd has a cut (or cut along the side where you look) of the distinctive color and white. Nevertheless we found in an engraving published in 1912 in "The Book of Sabretache" Flags of 10 elite companies of the line: a dark blue to red pomegranate, and one dark blue bugle daffodil. These flags were placed at the top tents. Since 1830, the 2nd Battalion took the tricolor flag, and since similar legislation has continued until 1914, providing simple unadorned pennants alignment or registration. These regulations covered only the infantry, and it seems that before 1914, mounted weapons have never been a flag.

The Rifles Algerians, "Turcos" were originally flags battalion and company. Indeed, for these regiments, the flag remained in the central portion with the colonel, and companies were often isolated in small communities of corn. As a result, the captains felt the need to have an emblem symbolizing unity, the idea was approved in high places, and a text of 20 January 1857 Flags that these regulations were the color of the battalion with border ornament and the colors Company, the ornaments are limited to a hand accompanied by four crescents, one in each corner, all in cloth cut and sewn. No registration, no fringe, pole is surmounted by a simple ball of copper.

an ersatz FLAG
Already the flag took a very strong symbolic meaning and became an ersatz flag. Under the Second Empire, the Zouave Regiment of the Guard was two battalions. From 1863 and until 1870 it was supplemented by a battalion of infantrymen charged in turn on the three regiments.
the occasion his arrival in Paris, the battalion received a beautiful flag a copy of which is still preserved in the infantry museum in Montpellier. This flag was silk embroidered in gold with a scroll bearing the regimental name surmounted by the imperial crown together in the corners of supporting the growing number of the battalion.

Fashion Flags company was taken by hunters on foot, probably in imitation of turcos, while visiting various battalions in Algeria. These flags, including the creation remained on the initiative of corps commanders, became widespread during the Great War. It is also during this period that the flag was spread throughout the Army and took an increasing importance of the fact that every quote attributed to a collective unit, the Croix de Guerre was formally attached to the flag on the front troops. This is often the occasion of this quote that the flag was created, sometimes even for smaller groups that the company: the proliferation of these flags there are no regulations controlling, was immense, and the variety of immense symbolic .

therefore launched the fashion grew, and few companies who, in 1939, had not their flag. In the cavalry, and especially in the Artillery, the flags were fairly uncommon. Only after the Second World War that the pennant was the subject of regulation, first by a very short circular of 23 March 1949, and later by a circular dated May 26, 1953 more detail specifying the context of the symbolism of the flag, and requiring the creator to file an application for approval. In its title III, paragraph 1, the circular states:
"The flag has practically become the symbolic unit as well as the badge of tradition."
This statement also confirms the choice of traditional colors of each unit within the body, these colors are not those flags alignment regulations before 1914, but those tassels worn on the hair at the same time. For example, the battalions of a regiment in the order of numbers in the blue, red, bright yellow, and green companies have the same colors, the flags of the past with the combination of two colors: for example 5 Co., 2 ° ° Good (which was the 1st battalion) was to have a blue and red flag. When the same two colors meet, one of them, basically the company is replaced by white or sky blue. The tricolor flag
is now forbidden. The statement sets out further details, leaving a relatively narrow choice for creators. Thus, modern flags, they have increased discipline in the symbolism, have lost much in variety and novelty.

They are long been regulated by the official bulletins. They are reserved for general officers following a specific code, like the marks of the Navy. But since 1940, a trend was born, and we see very often appear on these flags, the insignia in the center of the tradition of great unity. The command flag was also adopted by the Heads of the body, which is absolutely no regulation, because outside of unit flags, only allowed those units below the company provided that such training has done little subject to collective citation. Flags of the head of the body are very diverse.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Business Plan Of A Poultry


Composed of a silk apron 90cm side divided into 3 strips lights, it is bordered by a 5 cm gold fringe on three sides, the fourth edge being attached to a wooden pole 2m 11 and 32 mm in diameter. Atop a scroll bearing the letters RF is surmounted by a spearhead in gilded bronze, 38 cm.

The flag is inscribed in gold on the obverse, "French Republic" and the name of the regiment and on the reverse the motto "Honor and Fatherland."

the angles above and below the number of the regiment is surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves.

At the top of the flagpole lights two bands of 90 cm long by 24 cm (surrounded by a golden fringe 8 cm) containing the crown and the No. Regimental form what is called a tie. It is on this that the decorations are hung the flag receives on behalf of the entire regiment for the heroic action of its men. Depending on the number received, staff can then be given a feed to the color of the medal.

Spearhead, tape and tie

On the reverse, below the motto "Honor and Fatherland", the flag register initially blank sees his story as and when the great battles in which the regiment took part.

Thus this glorious symbol recalls the grandeur of the role he played on all fronts of the world, its triumphs and setbacks, often at the cost of countless lives. It is these sacrifices that impose the respect that each soldier must give honor.

It bears the inscription: GERMANY 1945

1 November 1945: the 18th Signal Regiment was created from the CIOT 618 and receives for the old flag emblem of the 18th Engineer Regiment distinguished "SIGNAL". Most of the units within its composition, detachments from the 1st AC, 2nd AC, 3rd DIA, 5th DB, 10th ID, campaigned in North Africa, Italy, France and Germany with the 1st Army.
Among these units, the 807 Signal Company is listed in the order of the Corps with the award of the Croix de Guerre and red star. Her feat of arms stink recognized the flag of the regiment to bear the inscription "Germany 1945" in its folds.