The commission headed by Marshal Niel, who is responsible for studying a reform of the army after the disappointments of the campaign Mexico, ensured the creation of a wire service in the army, whose resources will be incurred during the disastrous campaign of 1870. The conclusion, somewhat hastily drawn is that this formula is inappropriate. Also be returned in 1895 to call the telegraph administration.
Some personnel of this administration is militarized in case of war, to form what was then called, the units of "The Blue" because of the color of the uniform (dark blue and light blue) worn by such personnel militarized.
In memory of those units that adopt the weapon transmissions " sky-blue "color to tradition.
After the victory of the Marne, the staff goes in search of a place more suitable for war "modern". Its choice was finally on a blue sheet, which remains to determine the grade. A dye made of indigo was finally elected to give the famous blue horizon. This cloth is actually a mixture of white wool (35%), dark blue wool (15%) and light blue wool (50%).
One color for each weapon:
Besides a new color for uniforms, a color is assigned to each weapon. This color is used for piping and other police caps, those panties and collar badges:
- the color of the uniform "blue horizon" for rail services in the field, treasury services and posts in the army and the military telegraph (from October 10, 1915).
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